Saturday, December 30, 2006

Returning to MMHP...

Okay... so the last week or so I have been really bad about the My Music Highway Project Schedule. With the holiday's, pregnancy, life, etc... I have not had time to keep up. So, my plans are to start the project back up on Saturday, January 6th. So, I am 2 wks behind.

Stay tuned for the next featured guest The Art of Getting By...

Hope you all forgive my neglect...

...and the music plays on!

Posted by Shayna :: 8:49 PM ::

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If you think long and hard about it... music is a language that everyone speaks. Without divisions and barriers it brings us together as one. No matter what type of music you prefer... it is music. Wouldn't it be nice if we all could ride down the "Music Highway"... just to know that we, for one moment, could have a sense of togetherness?

WHY NOT have a "sense of togetherness"? It is so very true that music is a language EVERYONE speaks. This world has to much hate... So... Let us travel down a different highway... a highway of music... so we... for one moment can have a sense of peace... together. I started this project not knowing how well it would take off. Thanks to some wonderful bloggers... it has taken off beyond words. Click here for more info.

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