Artist/Band: Emmylou Harris
(Emmylou Harris/Danniel Lanois)
Lyrics for Song: Lost Unto This World
Lyrics for Album: Stumble Into Grace
I was once some mother's darlin'
Some daddy's little girl
More precious than the ruby
More cherished than the pearl
My heart was full of mercy
And my forehead full of curl
Now I am nothing and am lost unto this world
I am lost unto this world...
They herded me like cattle
Cut me down like corn
Took me from my babies
Before they could be born
You can blame it on the famine
You can blame it on the war
You can blame it on the devil
It don't matter anymore
I am lost unto this world...
I was tortured in the desert
I was raped out on the piain
I was murdered by the high way
And my cries went up in vain
My blood is on the mountain
My blood is on the sand
My blood runs in the river
That now washes thru their hands
I am lost unto this world...
Can I get no witness this unholy tale to teil
Was God the only one there watching
And weeping as l feil
O you among the living
Will you remember me at all
Will you write my name out
With a single finger scrawl
Across a broken window
In some long forgotten wall
That goes stretching out forever
Where the tears of heaven fall
I am lost unto this world...
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If you think long and hard about it... music is a language that everyone speaks. Without divisions and barriers it brings us together as one. No matter what type of music you prefer... it is music. Wouldn't it be nice if we all could ride down the "Music Highway"... just to know that we, for one moment, could have a sense of togetherness?
WHY NOT have a "sense of togetherness"? It is so very true that music is a language EVERYONE speaks. This world has to much hate... So... Let us travel down a different highway... a highway of music... so we... for one moment can have a sense of peace... together. I started this project not knowing how well it would take off. Thanks to some wonderful bloggers... it has taken off beyond words. Click here for more info.
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