Wednesday, August 16, 2006

My Highway Has No Left or Right Turn

I am so excited to announce to each of you that a fellow blogger... Emily over at "Loveless" has agreed to join me as administrator/moderator of "My Music Highway Project".

I am thrilled that Emily has agreed to help me out. My main reason for asking Emily to join me is... my life has become extremely busy with my little one, my hubby, my job... and a new songwriter/music adventure (I will write about a little later). I read her post "My Music Highway" regarding her daddy, the project and a song that touched her most. After reading that post... I thought to myself "She knows exactly what I am trying to do with the project... I have to have her help me!!!" :)

I emailed Emily and asked her to join me... (Emily... I hope you don't mind but I am going to share a little of our emails... it is a vital part of this post... :) )

I received an email back from Emily thrilled that I asked her to help me. She just had one concern... she was afraid that people would not join if she was helping moderate the blog because of her sexuality and wanted me to think about that. I truly appreciated Emily thinking of the project and why people may not join. My answer back to her was... the theme to "My Music Highway Project" was to help get rid of HATE, RACISM, BIAS, PREJUDICE, PRECONCEPTION through music... and frankly, if someone doesn't join because of Emily's sexuality... then they just don't GET the project and I rather not have them apart of it.

and with that... she excepted my offer... :)

The key to the "My Music Highway Project" is to bring everyone together as one... for a brief moment... through music. The world would be such a better place if we all spoke the same language of music. No more HATE, RACISM, BIAS, PREJUDICE, PRECONCEPTION…we are all victims… and we are all guilty of it… Wouldn't it be wonderful for one moment all of those thoughts and feelings would vanish!?!?!

Emily has joined me... and yes, my friends, she is a lesbian. But to me... that doesn't change a thing. This project is not a straight, lesbian, gay project... it is a human race project. AND... believe it or not... we all belong to the human race. We are all different... and that is what makes us each so very special.

My Highway Has No Left or Right Turn when it comes to standing up for what I believe in and who I believe in... and I believe that everyone no matter what their skin color, their sexuality, their religion, etc... has a story, has feelings, has a soul, has highway that they travel. Sometimes when we make a left or right turn off of our highway's... that is when HATE, RACISM, BIAS, PREJUDICE, PRECONCEPTION begin to occur. Let's try, I MEAN TRY, to stay on the highway... and not veer off.

Thank you, Emily for yowillingnessess to help me out. I truly, truly appreciate it! EVERYONE... please welcome Emily with open arms to our "My Music Highway Project"...

...and the music plays on!

Posted by Shayna :: 8:21 PM ::

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If you think long and hard about it... music is a language that everyone speaks. Without divisions and barriers it brings us together as one. No matter what type of music you prefer... it is music. Wouldn't it be nice if we all could ride down the "Music Highway"... just to know that we, for one moment, could have a sense of togetherness?

WHY NOT have a "sense of togetherness"? It is so very true that music is a language EVERYONE speaks. This world has to much hate... So... Let us travel down a different highway... a highway of music... so we... for one moment can have a sense of peace... together. I started this project not knowing how well it would take off. Thanks to some wonderful bloggers... it has taken off beyond words. Click here for more info.

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